Great Start to Quality requires 24 hours of annual training. This is from October to October, with 16 hours due by November 1st. Best practice is to accumulate training hours throughout the year.
Staff meetings, held appx every month will count for 2 hours of training
Staff meetings, held appx every month will count for 2 hours of training
Tracking/Logging trainings:
TEACH Early Childhood Michigan This scholarship from the MDE and NAEYC is government funded to support early educators so that children in their early years are getting the very BEST! This covers CDA assessment (500.00), individual college courses, Associates degree in Early Childhood Ed, BA in Early Childhood Education or ZS Endorsement for those with a teaching certificate. This is a contracted opportunity only and offered to those who have shown exceptional dedication as an employee of the Discovery School. As the Discovery School covers a portion of the scholarship, we expect that staff who enter into the contract stay employed for one year post contract completion. T.E.A.C.H. Information |
Links to training-
Online Training *suggestions CDA Resources |